Cora Music is a secure platform that guarantees music creators receive the royalties they are entitled to, while also ensuring video creators have the opportunity to legally use Cora Music's tracks in their videos. It was established in collaboration with the music industry and Google, ensuring a good relationship between technology and creative rights.
Here's a breakdown of how Cora Music operates:
1. Cora Music first secured an agreement with Stim, representing songwriters and their publishers, ensuring that the creators behind the music are fairly compensated.
2. Subsequently, Cora Music negotiated agreements with record labels, who hold the rights to the music recordings, thereby covering all aspects of music rights.
3. With these agreements in place, Cora Music possesses comprehensive and legitimate licenses, which we can then extend to its subscribers.
When you upload a video, YouTube's Content ID system identifies any music used, initiating what is known as a potential claim. This preliminary step is standard procedure on YouTube to manage copyright content. Cora Music’s system reviews these potential claims, and if the uploading channel is a subscriber with a valid license, these claims are cleared. This ensures that no unwarranted claims are placed on content covered by a valid license, keeping your channel secure.
Is it possible for errors to occur?
Absolutely, given that YouTube operates on a massive scale with countless interactions, human mistakes are inevitable. However, our thorough licensing process provides you with legal and policy support from both the law and YouTube's guidelines. You are protected under our license.
If you encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us right away for support at